Council Republicans to Appoint Mattabassett Board Members
In its first meeting, the new Republican-dominated City Council is to appoint two Republicans to the Mattabassett District Commission.
Stewart Wins Election for Mayor, Carries in Other Republicans
Republican Mayor Erin Stewart has won re-election and carried in other Republican candidates for nearly every other office possible.
Fire at Berkowitz Building Site
Fire broke out today in front of the long-blighted Berkowitz building on Main Street, apparently engulfing a piece of construction equipment.
Election Day Arrives in New Britain
The election between Democrat Bobby Sanchez and Republican Erin Stewart for Mayor and for other city offices will be decided by voters today.
Black Democratic Club Endorses Sanchez and Slate
The New Britain Black Democratic Club has announced that it has endorsed Bobby Sanchez for Mayor and other Democratic candidates.
Bysiewicz, Wooden Advocate for Sanchez
Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz and State Treasurer Shawn Wooden supported Rep. Bobby Sanchez’ campaign for Mayor Thursday evening.
Candidates and Polling Places in 2021 Election
On Tuesday, November 2nd, voters go to the polls to vote for Mayor, City Council, Board of Education and other city offices.
Stewart Education Claims Called “Lies”
Former Democratic Mayoral candidate Alicia Hernandez Strong and others are criticizing Republican Mayor Erin Stewart’s education claims.
Democratic Council Candidate Questions Police Handling of Incident
Basil A. Green, a Democratic candidate running for City Council, is questioning the handling by the Police Department of an alleged incident.
Democratic Council Candidate Questions Police Handling of Incident
Basil A. Green, a Democratic candidate running for City Council, is questioning the handling by the Police Department of an alleged incident.