NBHS Returns to In-School Classes
NBHS’s Principal has announced that in-school classes will resume this week, after earlier announcing three days of remote learning.
YWCA Announces CDC Funding, Expanding House of Teens Programming
The New Britain YWCA has announced that new CDC funding will allow it to train more youth community health workers.
Strong Thanks Supporters; Looks Toward Progressive Future
Democrat Alicia Hernandez Strong thanked supporters of her campaign for Mayor, while looking to the future on issues her campaign raised.
Rivera Wins Democratic Primary for Probate Judge
Former City Council Majority Leader and Attorney Bill Rivera has won the Democratic Party nomination for Probate Judge.
Sanchez Wins Democratic Nomination for Mayor
Rep. Bobby Sanchez (D-25) has won the support of Democratic voters as their candidate for Mayor against Republican Mayor Erin Stewart.
Voting Today for Probate Judge, Mayoral and Council Democratic Nominations
New Britain Democratic voters go to the polls today to nominate their candidates for Judge of Probate, Mayor and At-Large Council.
Democratic Probate Judge, Mayoral and Council Primary This Tuesday
Democratic voters in New Britain will choose their candidates for Judge of Probate, Mayor and At-Large Council in the Democratic primary.
Black Political Action Committee Holds Forum for Democratic Mayoral Primary Candidates
The New Britain Black Political Action Committee hosted an online forum with the two Democratic Mayoral primary candidates.
New Britain Council Republicans Vote Down Mask Mandate
City Council Republicans voted down a proposal by Council Democrats to require masks in city buildings to protect against COVID-19 infection.
Black Political Action Committee to Host Democratic Mayoral Candidates
The New Britain Black Political Action Committee will host a conversation with the two Democratic Mayoral candidates in an online event.