Ayalon Announces Education Platform in State Legislative Campaign
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Ayalon Announces Education Platform in State Legislative Campaign

Former City Council member Aram Ayalon (D-3) has announced an series of priorities for education, as part of his campaign for state representative.

Ayalon is running for state legislature in the 26th Assembly District. Another former Council member, Dave DeFronzo (D-AL), has also announced that he is seeking the seat.

Ayalon, who is a retired CCSU education professor and former Board of Education member, said, “investing in higher education is not just an investment in our students’ futures; it’s an investment in the prosperity of our communities,” saying he wants to increase state funding for public higher education institutions, like CCSU.

“I will tirelessly advocate for increased state funding to reduce student tuition and borrowing, ensuring that all students have access to quality education without the crushing weight of debt,” said Ayalon.

Ayalon added that, “As a longtime education professor, I’ve witnessed firsthand the barriers facing teacher candidates and the alarming shortage of educators. His campaign says that his plan for education, “addresses the longstanding disparities in per-student expenditure in New Britain’s public schools, which rank among the lowest in Connecticut.”

Ayalon’s campaign says that, “He pledges to advocate for more equitable education funding across the state and to diminish reliance on real estate taxes to fund schools, promoting a fairer distribution of resources.”

“I will champion initiatives to reduce the cost of licensure for educators and professionals,” Ayalon adds, “while also advocating for tax reductions and incentives to attract and retain talented individuals who are dedicated to shaping the minds of our children.”

Ayalon adds, “In District 26, we celebrate our diversity as a strength, not a barrier. I will work tirelessly to ensure that every student, regardless of their background or circumstance, has access to the resources and support they need to succeed.”

His campaign says his education platform prioritizes, “after-school programs, bilingual education, and special education initiatives,” while advocating for, “increased state funding and innovative programs that cater to the diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds of the community.”

An open seat election in the district will occur this year after current State Rep. Peter Tercyak (D-26), announced his retirement after serving the district for 21 years.

The Democratic Town Committee members in the 26th District will vote on Thursday, May 23rd to decide whether to endorse DeFronzo or Ayalon in the election. The winner would automatically qualify for a primary for the Democratic nomination, or be the nominee if there is no primary. The other candidate may, however, qualify for a primary by a petition of Democratic-registered voters.

If both Democratic candidates qualify for a primary, Democratic-registered voters will decide the Democratic nomination for the seat in an August 13th primary election.

While both Democrats are registered as candidates with the state, no Republican appears to have filed yet.