The 2023 $4M Bogus Transfer For The Allen St. Project #2
4 mins read

The 2023 $4M Bogus Transfer For The Allen St. Project #2

To: Voters in New Britain
Re: 2023 $4M Bogus Transfer Time Line.

  • 9-27-23 Resolution 36236: The former city council voted unanimously with no objections for this $4M transfer from the General Fund to the Public Works Account; signed by the current mayor, approving the transfer on 9-28-23 just weeks before the city wide election on 11-7-23. See attachment.
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  • 10-11-23 Resolution 36259: This is a request for information regarding the status of the money in the General Fund.
  • 10-25-23 Resolution 36259-1: Finance Director Perugini presented this response to the former city council and to the current mayor, clearly noting the status of the money in the General Fund… No money was available for this transfer as of 6-30-23. The General Fund had $6.6M assigned and earmarked for tax stabilization and BOE operating funds and $15.2M was mandated and unassigned for unanticipated expenditures… No money was available for this transfer. See attachment.
  • 10-25-23 Resolution 36258: A request to verify the $4M transfer.
  • 10-27-23 Resolution 36258-1: This response initiated by the chief of staff, and signed by current the mayor confirmed the $4M transfer just days before the city wide election on 11-7-23. The transfer never happened! This resolution was signed by the current mayor 2 days after Perugini had informed the former city council and the current mayor about the status of the money in the General Fund. No money was available for this transfer. See attachment.
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  • At that time, the current mayor was in office for 10 years and her chief of staff had been in office since January 2020. As the mayor noted when she promoted Dorsey to Chief of Staff, Justin Dorsey had been with her since 2013. She said, “No one knows the city better than he does. He is an expert on all things New Britain”. We find it concerning that these seasoned political operatives and administrators failed to follow proper transfer protocols, initiating and signing resolution 36258-1 confirming this $4M transfer that never happened. The money was not available for this transfer. It seems they were misleading the voters in Ward 4 days before a city wide election.
  • 4-20-24 Resolution 36453: Six months after the current mayor signed off approving and confirming this $4M transfer this resolution was filed asking for the status of the $4M. Perugini responded with his deficiencies. Transfer protocols were not followed by the current mayor and her chief of staff. The transfer never happened. See attachment.

The current mayor and her chief of staff have their fingerprints all over this fiasco. The current mayor calls it a debacle… We call it unethical, deceitful behavior. This behavior by the current mayor and her chief of staff is unacceptable. Our city has been tainted by their behavior.

Mayor Stewart and Chief of Staff Dorsey redeem yourselves! Prioritize and fund the Allen St. Project #2 Oak St. to Beacon St. Redeeming yourself involves acknowledging mistakes, taking responsibility, apologizing sincerely, making amends, and using the experience to learn and grow. So we are clear… making amends means take concrete steps to rectify the situation or repair any damage caused. Fund the city’s obligation, the 30% portion of the Allen St. Project’s approximate $15M cost.

Explore all of your options: Federal and state grants (the city recently received an additional $4M grant from the state for infrastructure upgrades, PROTECT and FEMA Grants are not funded at this time). State and city bonding initiatives are imperative. State appropriations are available too! The current mayor has indolent tendencies with the Allen St. Project #2. We know you can do it, you have been successful with funding many other higher profile projects such as the Bee Hive Bridge, Stanley Reception Pavilion, Public Works Operations Center, Downtown Luxury Housing and many more.

Meanwhile, the contaminated flooding water will continue to flow through Allen St. to the surrounding neighborhoods during intense rainfall events. The cause is undeniable…The effects will be catastrophic if the flooding is allowed to continue. There are many infrastructure issues in New Britain, none greater than the Allen St. Problem. As the mayor has noted over many years, the Allen St. Project #2 is our most pressing need.

It’s time for Mayor Stewart and Chief Dorsey to step up, PRIORITIZE and FUND the Allen St. Project #2. Time is of the essence!

Thank you.

F&S Chase
Taxpayers and Flooding Victims