New Britain is in a “water supply alert” according to a report given by New Britain Deputy Public Works Director for Utilities, Gil Bligh. Bligh gave this report atĀ the September 13th meetingĀ of the New Britain Board of Water Commissioners.
Bligh also reported that the New Britain reservoirs were at “52.9% capacity as of August 31, 2016”, as compared with the historical of 72% of capacity and a 67.5% water supply level just last year.
News of the “water supply alert”, reported for the period of August 1, 2016 to August 31, 2016, means that New Britain’s mayor, Erin Stewart, and the Republican-dominated City Council were votingĀ to sell the Patton Brook Well, a well capable of producingĀ 1.2 million gallons of clean drinking water a day, at the same time that this alertĀ status was being noted. It has been observed that this sale, to the Town of Southington, was approved for a far lower price than the Patton Brook Well is actually worth.
Mayor Stewart is also still pressing forward with her proposal to allow strip-mining on New Britain’s primary watershed land.