Senator Terry Gerratana Eliminates Car Taxes
By Robert Berriault

As a resident of New Britain, I encourage New Britain families to show their support for State Senator Terry Gerratana, who has fought to cut taxes for hardworking families in New Britain.
Recently, Terry lessened our tax burden by phasing out property tax on motor vehicles. The new law will save Connecticut families and businesses up to $60 million in car taxes in the 2017 fiscal year and up to $90-million in car taxes in the 2018 fiscal year. Employee driven companies like DATTCO will finally be able to improve their businesses and grow their workforce, bringing jobs to New Britain. Terry’s continuous dedication to reduce property taxes and support hardworking families is exactly why we need her fighting for us in the State Senate.
I have faith that many fellow residents will join me in voting for Terry Gerratana this upcoming November 8th to show support for a strong leader that has and will continue to provide many New Britain residents with property tax relief.