Election Day Arrives – Top Democrats Support New Britain Campaign Efforts
Press Pool Story

Local Democratic campaign efforts were given a push on the last weekend before the November 8th elections with support from top Democratic elected officials.

On Saturday New Britain Democrats held a Get-Out-The-Vote Breakfast at Cafe Beauregard on Main Street, where they were rallied with speeches from Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman (D), State Attorney General George Jepsen (D) and State Comptroller Kevin Lembo (D).

Sen. Terry Gerratana (D-6), Rep. Bobby Sanchez (D-25) and Rep. Rick Lopes (D-24) talked about the importance of electing Democrats from national to state office.
On Sunday, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) was in New Britain on Sunday campaigning for U.S. Representative Elizabeth Esty (D-5) and New Britain’s Democratic state legislators.

New Britain Democrats noted, on their website, “Murphy, who has been crisscrossing the country on behalf of Democratic senate candidates and Hillary Clinton, said the push for sensible legislation on guns including stronger background checks is resonating in races across the country. The CT Congressional delegation has been in the forefront in pushing for national legislation to curb gun violence.”
The election for President, U.S. Senate, U.S. Representative, State Senate, State Representative and Registrar of Voters is, today, Tuesday, November 8th, until 8pm. Voters who are not presently registered to vote may register and vote at City Hall, 27 West Main Street.