January 9, 2017
Stewart’s Economic Record Criticized
By Bobby Berriault I take issue with Mayor Erin Stewart’s recent assertion that our city’s economy is better than ever. While it is true that a few businesses have moved into New Britain – namely the food truck that is downtown a few hours a week, for every business that has moved into our city, […]
New Britain NAACP Chooses 2017 Leadership
Press Pool Story While state and national elections took center stage, there was another election in New Britain in November, as the NAACP New Britain Branch elected its leadership for 2017. Nominees for officers and Executive Board members were made in the Fall and NAACP members voted on November 9th. The election returned Ronald P. […]
Opening Day 2017 at the State Capitol
January 4th was the opening day of the 2017 regular legislative session, the start of the term for state legislators newly elected and re-elected in last November’s voting. Opening day at the State Capitol is a day of ceremony that marks the moment when legislators must roll up their sleeves for the legislative session ahead. […]
Stewart-Proposed High-Level Bureaucrat and Department Head Residency Requirement At Issue
Republican Mayor Erin Stewart will ask the Republican-dominated City Council to approve her choice to lead the “Human Resources Department”. The new high-level bureaucratic position was created when the Council approved Stewart’s proposal to increase the number of city departments to fifteen, including the creation of the Human Resources Department. Who her choice is for the position […]