January 4th was the opening day of the 2017 regular legislative session, the start of the term for state legislators newly elected and re-elected in last November’s voting. Opening day at the State Capitol is a day of ceremony that marks the moment when legislators must roll up their sleeves for the legislative session ahead.
“On January 4th,” said Senator Terry Gerratana (D-6-New Britain, Berlin, Farmington) in an email to constituents. “I joined my colleagues in Connecticut’s Capitol to kickoff the 2017 legislative session.

“We begin this session,” Gerratana added, “as Connecticut faces a number of challenges and opportunities to move forward toward a brighter, successful future through lots of hard work and bipartisan cooperation.”

In her email, Sen. Gerratana encouraged residents of her district to take advantage of resources available to stay informed about events at the State Capitol. “The legislative process is designed to be transparent and open to public participation,” Gerratana said. “If you would like to follow along as the session progresses, or even come to Hartford and take part in the proceedings, you can find more information on everything we do on the General Assembly’s website: www.cga.ct.gov. You can also visit my legislative website, where I regularly post updates on my work: www.SenatorGerratana.cga.ct.gov. Additionally, I am active and accessible on social media.”

“In order to more effectively represent my constituents,” said Gerratana. “I aim to always be reachable and responsive to your questions, concerns and suggestions. If you would like to contact my office, you can reach me by phone at 860-240-0584 or send me an email through my website. I will once again serve as a Co-Chair of the Public Health Committee and Vice Chair of the Children’s Committee. I also look forward to serving on the Appropriations Committee and Judiciary Committee.”