January 15, 2017
New Britain High School Student Earns Highest Exam Score in the State
Sarah Farley, a senior at New Britain High School has earned the highest score on thhe CTE (Career and Technical Education) Assessments exam, scoring 92 percent. Farley is being hailed for the difficulty of her achievement. Sondra Sanford, Assistant Coordinator of NBHS Programs and Community Partnerships, said that 48 percent of the students who take […]
NBHS Senior Performs at Regional Music Festival
Jasper Khambaylarsirikul, is a member of the NBHS Madrigal Singers, the Golden Hurricanes Marching Band and Tri-M Music Honor Society, as well as the student leader of the NBHS Men’s Choir. He plays flute, piccolo and oboe, and is learning clarinet. And he was selected to represent the school at the Northern Regional High School Chorus in […]
Spottswood Men’s Ministry Invites All to a Big Country Breakfast
News Brief The Men’s Ministry at Spottswood AME Zion Church invites all to a Big Country Breakfast. The event will be on Saturday, January 28th from 8:00am to 11:00am. It will be held in the Fellowship Hall at Spottswood AME Zion Church at 25 Crestwood Lane. Admission is $10. As its Facebook page notes, “The Spottswood […]