All over the country people are protesting, marching, holding rallies and finding their voices at this dangerous moment in our history. The radical shift in Washington that we are all witnessing will inevitably lead to, at the very least, a widening economic gap and income inequality not seen and felt in the US for 100 years. Trump supporters and people who support this radical shift ascribe these protests to sour grapes. During an NPR broadcast, (All Things Considered January 17th at 6:30pm) one joyful supporter who was interviewed said the day after the election looked and felt like the day WWII ended. She had lost her healthcare coverage and felt the precariousness of that dire situation for the first time in her life. Now millions of people with healthcare for the first time in their lives, due to the ACA, are fighting to maintain that very same, hard fought for, safety of health care coverage.
So while some feel they’ve won a war, many of us feel that a war has begun in earnest. I hope in the coming days, weeks, and months I will be able to publish many more of these protests as squirmishes in the battle to maintain our right to free speech, and open dissent. Protests to protect the hard won gains in access to healthcare, and the progress we’ve made as a nation towards gender equality, towards racial and economic justice, and towards environmental and social justice.
This Friday, Hole in the Wall Theater presents the Inauguration of DADA: An artistic showcase and Open Mic Poetry protest. The evening will include Live Music, Spoken Word, Comedy and an open forum for Public Venting of Frustrations.
This BYOB event will run from 7 to 10pm on January 20th. The Hole In The Wall Theater is located at 116 Main Street in New Britain, across the street from the police station. Tickets are $15 for general admission, $10 for students and seniors.
Hole In The Wall is proud to announce our participation in The Ghostlight project (! This project, identifies theaters that are safe spaces devoted to social change. In collaboration with theaters all over the country, we will be gathering at 5:30pm on Thursday Jan.19th to declare Hole In The Wall Theater a safe space devoted to equality, accessibility, and social change.