About 70 people rallied in front of Access Health in New Britain to voice their opposition to Republican plans to cut access to health care and to express support for expanding health care access.
The rally, to “Stop Trumpcare, Save Healthcare,” was announced by organizers as a joint effort of the New Britain Democrats, Our Revolution – Central CT Chapter, Connecticut Young Democrats, Action Together Connecticut, Our Revolution-CT Team and other groups.

“Trumpcare” is a name being given to various Republican proposals that critics say would reduce access to health care in order to provide tax cuts for the very wealthy.
Speakers at the rally included Rep. Peter Tercyak (D-New Britain), Sen. Terry Gerratana (D-New Britain), Democratic Mayoral candidate Merrill Gay and different activists, including Akai Long of the CCSU College Democrats.
Rally organizers say that the Republican U.S. Senate bill, as proposed, will impact Connecticut negatively in a number of different ways:
- Medicaid reduction will cause as many as 200,000 residents to lose coverage. 1 out of every 5 Ct. residents relies on Medicaid for health care.
- Two thirds of all nursing home patients are on Medicaid. With the new cap on funding thousands could lose their support.
- Repeal of employee mandate and Cost Sharing provisions will result in 30 to 35% increase in premiums.
- Eligibility changes will increase premiums for thousands of others.
- $3 billion loss to state by the year 2026.
- Seniors will pay dramatically higher premiums, as much as 70% more than they currently pay.
- $6.8 million cut to Planned Parenthood.
- Reduces or eliminates services for mental health, pregnant women, emergency care and opiod prevention and treatment. There were 900 opioids deaths in CT last year.
- The bill would double the number of uninsured in CT.

“23+ million American’s will lose their health coverage particularly those who are poor, elderly, and sick if the Senate version of Trumpcare passes.” said local activist and City Council candidate Bobby Berriault, when announcing the rally. “We can not allow this to happen!”