September 8, 2017
New Britain’s Puerto Rican Festival Coming Up, Saturday, Sept 9th.
New Britain’s Puerto Rican Festival is coming up on Saturday, September 9, 2017. The Festival will be held from 12:00noon to 8:00pm at 152 High Street. New Britain’s Puerto Rican Festival is a long standing tradition in the community. Held on High Street, the Festival places the Puerto Rican Society of New Britain at the center of community life […]
League of Women Voters to Hold Forum for Board of Education Candidates, Sept 11th
The New Britain Area League of Women Voters will hold an “Eat, Meet and Greet Pasta Pot Luck” to allow people to “ask questions and get to know” candidates for Board of Education in this year’s city elections. The forum will be Monday, September, 11th at 6:00pm in the Trinity-On-Main Rotunda Room at the corner […]
New Britain High School Football 2017 Home Opener, Friday Sept 8th
The New Britain High School football team will host Conard High School of West Hartford at its home opener at Veterans Stadium on Friday, September 8th. The game will be played at 7:00pm. The New Britain school district says that, “In celebration of the home opener, all CSDNB students who present their student ID will […]