In its first meeting of its new term, the City Council has elected Democratic At-Large Alderwoman Eva Magnuszewski (D-AL) to its top position, the President Pro-Tempore.

The President Pro Tempore of the City Council is the official leader of the Council. The President Pro Tempore is also effectively the deputy mayor of the city, being second in line to manage the city, if the Mayor is absent from the city, incapacitated or leaves office.
Magnuszewski, who returns to the City Council after a two year hiatus, having not run in 2015, won the highest number of votes in the election for At-Large Council members in the 2017 election.
Incoming Democratic Ald. Francisco Santiago (D-5) made the motion to elect Magnuszewski, and the Council voted to approve on a voice vote.
“I would like to thank my colleagues, the voters, but most of all, my Mom, who is at home watching,” said Magnuszewski.
She thanked the voters for electing the Council members, saying, “If I met you while I was out door knocking, thank you for your time. I will not forget your kindness or your concerns.”
“To my colleagues,” Magnuszewski said, “I look forward to working with and listening to all of you, no matter the party affliation.” She encouraged the Council members to, “keep our words kind and helpful,” and, “our dialogue issue based.”
“We are here for a common purpose, and that might mean sometimes finding a third right answer,” said Magnuszewski. “Let’s show New Britain that we can do that.”
Magnuszewski announced that the Democratic Council members had selected Democratic Ald. Carlo Carlozzi Jr. (D-5) as the new Democratic caucus Majority Leader. She also announced that Council Democrats have selected Democratic At-Large Council members Ald. Emmanuel Sanchez (D-AL) and Ald. Richard Reyes (D-AL) to serve as Assistant Majority Leaders for the Democrats.
The former President Pro-Tempore, Republican Ald. Jamie Giantonio (R-1) announced the new leaders for the Council Republicans’ caucus. Republican Ald. Robert Smedley (R-4) will serve as the Republicans’ Minority Leader, while Republican Ald. Kristian Rosado (R-2) will serve as the Assistant Minority Leader for the Republican caucus.
Magnuszewski announced that 2017 Ward 1 Democratic Council candidate, Veronica T. DeLandro, was selected to serve as the City Council’s Clerk of Committees.
The incoming Council also approved their standing rules for the new term of office, Council committee members and Council liaisons to city boards, commissions and organizations.