The New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park will hold a “Kids Night Out” program on the evening of Saturday, December 16th, 2017.
The Museum invites parents to, “Drop the kids off at the nature center for an evening of fun.” The event is for children ages three to twelve.
The program runs from 5:00pm to 9:00pm. The cost is $15 per child for members and $25 per child for non-members. There is a $5 discount per sibling.
“Games, crafts, science experiments, and animal programs are all included,” the Museum said.
The Museum also says that, “Pizza will be served for dinner.”
The Museum says that registration for participation in this program is required by Thursday, December 14th. The phone number for the Museum is (860) 827-9064
The New Britain Youth Museum at Hungerford Park is located at 191 Farmington Avenue, just outside of New Britain in Kensington. Hungerford Park is a City of New Britain Park.