The New Britain High School Parents’ Music Association will host its Fourth Annual “Gala of Great Food and Great Music” on March 3, 2018.
The event is to raise money for the NBHS Music Department. The school district says that, “Proceeds from the gala will be used to purchase new custom costumes for the Madrigal Singers, support the Golden Hurricane Marching Band, refurbish instruments, and underwrite scholarships for graduating seniors.”
Parents’ Music Association (PMA) President Vincent Celentano said that, “In the past three years, the PMA has raised funds to purchase 100 new uniforms for the NBHS Golden Hurricane Marching Band.”
New Britain has long been proud of the New Britain High School music programs. Founded in 1935, the Golden Hurricane Marching Band been an important part of the city’s fabric, and generations of New Britain’s residents have played for the Band.
Likewise New Britain High School Madrigal Singers performed their first Elizabethan Madrigal Feaste 40 years ago and have been an important part of New Britain community traditions ever since.
“As the Madrigal Singers just celebrated their 40th Madrigal Feaste,” said Celentano, “it is a perfect time to support their continued success while still assisting the Marching Band. Many of the Madrigal costumes are 20 years old and beyond repair. Our singers perform throughout the community and we want to keep them looking good.”
“We hope that the community, especially Madrigal and Band alumni, will come out to support the event and our music programs,” said PMA recording secretary Beth Mazadoorian. “We have had great success in purchasing 100 uniforms for the Marching Band and now want to help our Madrigal Singers.”
The gala is a 21-and-over event which will include a full-course buffet dinner of fine Italian Nouveau cuisine along with an open bar featuring wine and Alvarium beer. DJ Joey Bags will provide the music, and a raffle will also be held.
The event will be held at VFW Post Hall 511 at 41 Veterans Drive, starting at 6:30pm.
Tickets to the event are $35 per person, if purchased in advance, and are $40 per person at the door. Tickets are available by phone at 860-989-2159, by email at [email protected] or in the New Britain High School main office. Tickets may also be purchased online at Donations are being accepted, with checks made payable to the NBHS PMA and mailed to New Britain High School, 110 Mill Street, New Britain, CT 06051.
“We are so fortunate to have such a rich musical tradition in New Britain,” said Mazadoorian, “and we want to make sure that continues for years to come. The event always proves to be a fun night.”