The New Britain City Council has announced that it will hold its annual budget hearing on May 1, 2018. The hearing is to allow the Council to hear people’s opinions on the city budget before the Council makes its decisions.
“During the public hearing,” the Council’s press release says, “residents are encouraged to voice their concerns regarding funding priorities for the upcoming fiscal year, which begins July 1, 2018.”
On April 11th, the Council received Republican Mayor Erin Stewart’s budget proposal. Her proposal has been criticized for increasing property taxes despite her claim of “no tax increase”, as well as for freezing the city’s annual education allocation and continuing to rely on increased city debt to balance the annual budget.
The Council’s budget hearing will be 7:00pm on May 1st, in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall at 27 West Main Street. Anyone wishing to speak may sign up at the hearing.