An annual New Britain tradition will continue this week as TRIAD’s Twentieth Annual Senior Prom will be held on April 19, 2018.
TRIAD’s “Senior Prom” is a popular annual event in New Britain for senior citizens, in which seniors are treated to food, music and dancing.
This year’s Prom will have Carnival Theme and will feature the music of the “Sharades”. The band, on its website, says that it, “is a 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and More, DooWop, Rock n Roll, Oldies Band.”
The Senior Prom will be held from 5:00pm to 9:00pm at New Britain High School.
TRIAD says that dinner will be served at the event and that tickets, which are $5 per person are available at the New Britain Senior Center. The Senior Center is located at 55 Pearl Street.