04 March, 2025
1 min read

Memorial Day in New Britain

New Britain honored veterans on the traditional Memorial Day, especially those who gave their lives, with ceremonies around the city, and then celebrated the community with the annual Memorial Day parade. The New Britain community carried on its long tradition of observing Memorial Day on its traditional date of May 30th. Separate memorial ceremonies at war […]

6 mins read

Spreading the Word About Free Summer Meals Available for Children

The United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut and End Hunger Connecticut! are hosting a “United Way Day of Action” on June 21, 2018 that, “will focus on helping families in New Britain access nutritious summer meals and engaging children in summer learning.” End Hunger Connecticut! says that, “Summer Meals are free, nutritious, meals and […]

1 min read

Arch Area NRZ Build-A-Better Block Event to Be Jun 2nd.

The Arch Area Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) will hold its “Build-A-Better Block” community event on June 2, 2018. The event is being organized to bring the community together share and promote positive qualities of the neighborhood. The free, family-friendly event will feature food, music, cultural dances, vendors, face painting and story telling. There will be pinatas, handmade by […]

2 mins read

Democrats Nominate Sanchez and Tercyak for Re-Election, Republicans Nominate Collins in 26th

The New Britain Democrats nominated State Rep. Bobby Sanchez (D-25) and State Rep. Peter Tercyak (D-26th) for re-election in the two State Assembly districts that are entirely within New Britain. The Twenty-Fifth District and the Twenty-Sixth District are both entirely within New Britain. Each party’s town committee directly endorses candidates for those seats. Democrats met […]

2 mins read

Sanchez Suspends Campaign for Congress

New Britain City Council member Emmanuel “Manny” Sanchez (D-AL) has announced that he will not be pursuing a primary challenge for the Democratic Nomination for Congress, which he was entitled to do, if he chose, based on the strength of his Democratic nominating convention support. “After deep consideration and discussion with family, friends, and mentors, […]

1 min read

Former Major Leaguer to Play for Bees

The New Britain Bees have announced that they have signed Jason Rogers, an infielder who played for the Milwaukee Brewers in 2014 and 2015. In his 117 big league games, he had a .258 batting average, eighteen RBIs, twenty-four runs scored and four home runs. Bees General Manager Brad Smith said, “Jason will be a great addition to […]

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