Democratic New Britain Alderman Emmanuel “Manny” Sanchez (D-AL) has announced that he is running as a candidate in for the Fifth Congressional District, saying, “This is a pivotal moment in our state and our country. We need leaders who are willing to champion issues that matter most to working families.”

“I have earned their support by knocking on every door and listening to the issues they care about and doing something about it,” said Sanchez. “That’s what I plan to do as a candidate for Congress and I look forward to talking to the voters of the Fifth.”
Sanchez has officially filed paperwork with the Secretary of the State’s to seek the Congressional seat.
Sanchez is a twenty-nine year old four term incumbent member of the New Britain City Council. He had been one of the two Council members representing the city’s Third Ward, but, in 2017, he sought and won one of the five At-Large (citywide) Council seats.

Sanchez’s citywide win was part of a wide Democratic Council victory in which Democrats tripled their Council seats and gained the majority.
A lifelong New Britain resident, Sanchez works as a Development Officer for Major Gifts for the University of Hartford. He is a graduate of the University of Connecticut, holding a degree in Urban and Community Studies.
In making his announcement, Sanchez was joined by New Britain’s Democratic state legislative delegation, Sen. Terry Gerratana (D-6), State Rep. Bobby Sanchez (D-25), who is Ald. Sanchez’s uncle, State Rep. Peter Tercyak (D-26) and State Rep. Rick Lopes (D-24).

He was also joined by fellow Democratic City Council members, including, Ald. Richard Reyes (D-AL), Ald. Iris Sanchez (D-3) and Ald. Katie Breslin (D-AL), as well as Council Clerk of Committees Veronica DeLandro.

The Fifth Congressional District represents the cities of New Britain, Meriden, Danbury, most of Waterbury and parts of Torrington. It represents towns in the Farmington valley and wide sections of northwestern Connecticut. The 2018 election for the district is an open seat contest after Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (D-5) announced that she would not be seeking re-election.

“We need to energize our cities and towns with leadership who have fresh ideas and the energy to fight for our District, for Connecticut and our country,” said Sanchez.