TheĀ Arch Area Neighborhood Revitalization ZoneĀ (NRZ) will hold its May monthly meeting on May 7, 2018.
The NRZ says that, “This will be a working meeting to discuss plans for the May 19 ‘Clean-up/Plant-up’ day and the June 2 ‘Build A Better Block’ event.”
The May 7th meeting will be from 5:45pm to 6:45pm in the Community Room on the New Britain Police Station building.
In inviting people to join the its May 19th neighborhood clean up, the NRZ says that, “We are celebrating our Arch Area Neighborhood by sharing breakfast, cleaning up trash, planting flowers, and playing fund activities and games!”Ā The “Clean Up, Plant Up Partyā will be from 9:00am to 12:00pm on May 19th. Participants in that event are asked to gather at the Northend School atĀ 160 Bassett Street.
The “Build a Better Block” event on June 2nd is being organized by the NRZĀ as a day of activities to,
1. bring the community together,
2. highlight the positive qualities of the neighborhood, and
3. build relationships to the businesses, organizations and residents that are a part of the Arch Area NRZ community.
The Build a Better Block event will be held inĀ Stephen Carey Park on Arch Street. It is planned for 12:00pm to 4:00pm on June 2nd. The rain date for the event is June 3rd.
“Our meetings are open to the public, all ages,” says the NRZ, “so please feel free to join us on May 7 to learn more about or to share your ideas for these events.”
The NRZ adds that, “Parking for the meeting is on the street across from the police department or in the public lot behind the police station. We hope that you can join us!”