Glassman Wins Congressional Endorsement, While Sanchez and Hayes Qualify to Primary
New Britain delegates provided votes to help secure New Britain native Mary Glassman’s win in the Democratic endorsement for the Fifth Congressional District, while New Britain Alderman Manny Sanchez (D-AL) and Jahana Hayes of Waterbury won enough delegates to compete in a primary for the position.

On the first ballot at the Fifth District Congressional nominating convention, Sanchez won 18% of the delegate votes, more than the 15% needed to qualify for a primary. Sanchez received all the votes of all thirty-seven of New Britain’s delegates.
Glassman received the highest number of votes on the first ballot, with Hayes running a very strong second.

Sanchez released his delegates after the first ballot. Most of his supporters switched to supporting Hayes.
When the second ballot voting began, the vote was nearly tied, but Hayes appeared to have more votes than Glassman. New Britain’s delegates split in favor Glassman, but with many delegates voting for Hayes.

With the voting still open, at least two New Britain delegates switched from supporting Hayes to Glassman, and when the balloting closed, Glassman had the majority vote to win the endorsement.
The results of the convention mean the Glassman is the party-endorsed candidate for the open Congressional district, with both Hayes and Sanchez eligible to wage a primary.
If there were to be a primary, it would be held on August 14, 2018.