June 5th Hearing on Proposal to Sell 15 Acres of Watershed Land for $276,000 is Postponed
BREAKING NEWS (6/5/2018): The City Council hearing which includes the Burlington land sale proposal has been postponed. It had been scheduled for tonight, June 5, 2018. The new date for the hearing is to be announced.
There will be a hearing on June 5, 2018 on a resolution that would authorize Republican Mayor Erin Stewart to sell fifteen acres of Class 3 watershed land owned by the city of New Britain in Burlington.
The resolution, proposed by Ald. Jamie Giantonio (R-1) and Ald. Daniel Salerno (R-AL), says that Stewart has already authorized the sale for $276,000 to the Town of Burlington.
The item was proposed at the May 9th City Council meeting, and the Council is holding a public hearing on the plan on June 5th. The hearing will begin at 6:45pm and will be held in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall at 27 West Main Street. People will be permitted to speak at the hearing and submit written comments, as well.
The fifteen acres on Covey Road in Burlington, according to the resolution, are “Class 3 watershed land which does not require approval of the proposed sale by the Connecticut Department of Public Health.”
An appraisal done for the Town of Burlington, according to the resolution, concluded that the value of the fifteen acres is $200,000.
On April 18, 2018 the New Britain Board of Water Commissioners voted to approve the sale, saying that, “the property was not needed for the Burlington watershed system.”
Copies of the proposal are available for public inspection in the Office of the Town Clerk during normal business hours.