The Diaspora Multicultural Society has announced that it will be hosting its 2018 Multicultural Festival on September 15th.
The Diaspora Society says that, “The festival will allow attendees to celebrate, participate in, and experience the rich diversity of our community’s populace.” There will be food, live performances, vendors and other attractions at the event.
The Festival will be from 12:00noon to 8:00pm.
The Society says that it, “is currently seeking food and merchandise vendors, performers, and sponsors to showcase at the event.” It asks those interested to contact the Society at Diasporamulticultural@gmai
The Diaspora Multicultural Society is located at 90 John Street.
The Society says, “Diaspora’s mission is to provide a space for a diverse crowd to commingle and build community. The club has coordinated events, disaster relief efforts, fundraisers, cultural celebrations, and informative programs – often in collaboration with other community organizations.”