The Consolidated School District is holding its annual Back to School Bash at New Britain Stadium this year for a New Britain Bees game. The 2018 event is to be Tuesday, August 28th.
The event, which starts at 5:30pm, is being held in partnership with the New Britain Bees and Whitsons. The school district says, “Thanks to Whitsons, admission to the game is free!,” for families of school district children.

On August 28th, the Bees host the York Revolution. The game begins at 6:35pm
The school district says that, “School administrators and staff, along with our community partners, will be located inside the stadium so you can visit them when the gates open at 5:30 PM until 7:00 PM.”
The district adds, “be sure to get there early so you can visit your school and our community partners and have your name entered into a raffle for a chance to win a variety of prizes.”