A rally and march was held on Saturday, September 15th in downtown New Britain. Calling for, “Justice for Caleb, Zoe and Noah!,” participants in the protest sought to “release the tapes” of the December 14, 2017 incident in which city police fired on the car the three young people were in.
The demonstration was organized by the organization, Self Defense Brigade.
People came together at the Columbus Plaza parking lot for the rally. At the rally, family members of three teenagers who were alleged to be the victims of a deadly police shooting spoke about the need for transparency from the New Britain Police Department.

After about a half an hour, those who had gathered marched to the Police station carrying signs that read, “black lives matter,” and, “justice for Caleb Noah and Zoe.” They chanted “release the tapes!”
Organizers say that over one hundred people participated in the demonstration.
Caleb Tisdol, who was then fifteen years old, was shot and twenty year old Zoe Dowdell was shot and killed, in an incident in which New Britain Police have confirmed that five officers discharged their firearms.
Family members, while still grieving about the events, say they are angry that video footage of events have still not been released. Tisdol’s parents are calling on the police to release the dash cam footage from that fatal evening and the release of their son.
Tisdol, who is now 16 years old, is being tried as an adult. He has been jail since December awaiting trial.

But New Britain Police Chief James Wardwell said that, “On December 14, 2017 we turned the entire investigation, including all original evidence, over to the Connecticut State Police and the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office.”
“We are not investigating ourselves, nor should we,” Wardwell said, adding, “We do continue to cooperate fully with the investigation.”
Chief Wardwell said that, “The release of the videotape is not within the authority or control of the NBPD, since it is not our investigation. As soon as we turned the entire case over to the State within the first hour of the incident last December, this has been the case. Most personnel in the NBPD have not seen the video either; it remains evidence in another agency’s investigation.”
Wardwell said that the investigation into the incident is being conducted independently by the Fairfield State’s Attorney’s office, adding that, “I do pray the investigation concludes in the near future with the release of all information and conclusions, but I have no real influence on the timetable.” He also said that the five officers involved in the incident remain on restricted duty.
According to a May 18, 2018 New Britain Herald article, Tisdol, “was one of three people shot by New Britain police that night in a vehicle that allegedly was moving to strike officers on foot in an attempt to flee. The driver, 20-year-old Zoe Dowdell, was killed. Tisdol and Noah Young, 18, of Bloomfield, were wounded.”
An August 27, 2018 report by Fox 61 says that Tisdol, “was shot in the leg and initially issued a summons for weapons offense and possession of narcotics but was later charged as an adult. He’s currently behind bars pending the outcome of his case.” That article adds, “His father believes his son is being wrongfully charged and insists the dash cam video proves that.”
According to articles on January 20, 2018 and June 5, 2018 in the Journal Inquirer, Tisdol, a resident of Windsor Locks, was charged in three cases of armed robbery in October and December of 2017 in East Hartford, North Haven and Windsor.
In its May 18th article, the New Britain Herald reported that, “Tisdol, Dowdell and Young were considered suspects in at least four violent New Britain robberies that occurred in the weeks before the shootings, police said.”
Chief Wardwell said the New Britain Police, “fully support every person’s right to peacefully protest. We did facilitate this lawful assembly and provide safe areas of the groups’ choosing. We reached out to the organizers prior to the rally as we do with all groups that plan protests in the city. This was done to offer support for them to express their views in a safe manner. Today’s protest was peaceful. The participants set a fine example for others to gather and express views in such peaceful manner.”
Editor’s note (9/18/2018): The article was revised to note rally organizers’ estimate on the number of people in attendance.