The City Council will consider appointing Lawrence Hermanowski to the vacant position of Clerk of Committees.

Hermanowski would assume the Clerk of Committees position after the departure of Veronica DeLandro, who held that post since November of 2017.
Hermanowski is a former City Council member, himself. He represented the Fourth Ward on the Council, and he has been active in Democratic politics and community organizations in New Britain for decades.
The Clerk of Committees is responsible for managing the business of the Council’s various committees.
Proposed city ordinances and other matters are referred by the full Council to committees, where public hearings are held. Committees refine proposals and then refer them back to the full Council for final action.
The resolution to appoint Hermanowski says, “it is essential that the position of Clerk of Committees of the Common Council be filled as quickly as possible in order that business of the Common Council Committees may be conducted.”
The Clerk of Committees is a part time position, with an annual salary of $11,718.
The resolution to appoint Hermanowski is on the agenda of the September 26, 2018 City Council meeting.