The Consolidated School District of New Britain (CSDNB) has announced that it will hold a community forum as, “an opportunity to let your voice be heard and to help CSDNB be the best at getting better.”

The event will be October 9, 2018.
The school district says that the event is to be a monthly event, “to provide the space to interact, build relationships and listen to families as we move forward together to provide the best personalized and comprehensive whole-child education for all of our students.”
The forum will be held at the Lecture Hall at New Britain High School, from 4:30pm to 6:30pm.
The school district says that hosts for the event are Superintendent Nancy Sarra, school staff, PAVE NB (Parents and Voices Empowering New Britain), Great Schools Partnership and Everyday Democracy.
“Light refreshments will be served. We look forward to seeing you there!,” says the school district.