New Britain TRIAD hosted its annual senior health fair on October 11, 2018.

The event brings together many providers and organizations to allow seniors to find out about services that are available to them.

The fair, the Senior Expo, was held at the Hospital for Special Care Research Center, which is located at the old Mary Immaculate Academy on Osgood Avenue.

The health fair is, “a great effort on the part TRIAD to bring seniors in to have many things and many services offered to them,” said Sen. Terry Gerratana (D-6), who attended the fair.

“People can come here and have their vital signs checked, like their blood pressure, and also their wellness checkups,” added Gerratana.

The free event offered seniors raffle prizes, free shredding services, hair and nail services by E.C. Goodwin students, as well as guest speakers and a free pasta lunch.

The TRIAD program has said that it, “is a three way partnership between Law Enforcement, senior citizens and support/protective service agencies who work together to reduce criminal victimation of older citizens and to enhance the delivery of Law Enforcement services to this population.”