The New Britain Area League of Women Voters has announced that it is holding its Legislative Breakfast with area state legislators in January.

The League of Women Voters holds their Legislative Breakfast near the beginning the state legislature’s regular session to give members of the League and the public the opportunity to ask questions and hear legislators’ comments about upcoming issues.
The 2019 League Legislative Breakfast will be on Saturday, January 19th.
The annual event features local state legislative delegations. A formal panel discussion typically follows a time for informal conversation.
The event will feature State Sen. Terry Gerratana (D-6), Sen. Henri Martin (R-31), Rep. William Petit (R-22), Rep. Rick Lopes (D-24), Rep. Bobby Sanchez (D-25) and Rep. Peter Tercyak (D-26).
The 2019 Legislative Breakfast will be at 10:00am at the New Britain Public Library. The New Britain Public Library is at 20 High Street.
The 2019 state legislature’s session begins on January 9th.
The League of Women Voters says that the event is, “free and open to the public,” and that breakfast will be served.