North-Oak NRZ Holds Neighborhood Walk-Through
Photo and video journalism by Antonio C. Lavoy, Sr.
The North-Oak NRZ conducted a springtime neighborhood survey to identify neighborhood concerns and view progress from their previous efforts.
Pablo Rodriguez, President of the NRZ, brought a book with him with photographs taken by neighborhood activists in the past, showing locations where progress was made as a result of neighborhood activism. He said that it is just as important to show the progress as to identify continuing concerns. He also pointed out locations that are still a concern.
Joined by a city inspector, the neighborhood activists visited a number of locations in the area on April 27th to observe the current conditions and seek action in some locations.
The neighborhood activists we’re joined by two members of the City Council, Ald. Richard Reyes (D-AL) and Ald. Iris Sanchez (D-3).
City council members have taken action on concerns raised by the North-Oak NRZ in the past, using their powers in the legislative process of the city to press for action on neighborhood concerns.
The North-Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) is a community organization formed under state law in which area residents and others involved in the neighborhood organize around neighborhood concerns, like blighted buildings and crime, and to work together to advocate for activities and the well being of area children.
The North-Oak NRZ have engaged in a number of efforts for the betterment of the neighborhood. The NRZ is currently in the process of organizing a neighborhood cleanup event, which is to occur on May 4th.