Democratic mayoral candidate Chris Porcher organized a rally calling for support for New Britain’s Pride of Connecticut Elks, which is facing foreclosure.

“This establishment not only represents the African American community,” said Porcher. “It represents all people and serves as a place where people celebrate life, marriage, and more. Most of all it’s a place where our community feels safe. I’m proud of the history here, it’s historic!”
The Pride of Connecticut Elks Lodge #1437, which is at 24 Elm Street, is has set up a GoFundMe site seeking donations, saying, “The Elks Lodge of New Britain needs your help! Please help save part of New Britain’s African American History that is one of the few legacies we have left to pass down to the next generations to come.”
“We need $90,000.00 by June 25, 2019,” says the fundraiser page, “(sale date is June 29, 2019) if we have any chance of remaining in the historic building on 24-30 Elm St which is our home. ANY AMOUNT YOU CAN GIVE will be welcome and greatly appreciated. No amount is too large, no amount is too small!”