New Britain PAL has announced that it has teamed up with the New Britain Bees, “for some baseball fun!!”

“Come out to the ballpark June 22nd at 6:35PM to support PAL,” the PAL organization says.
PAL says that, “tickets are free for all PAL Participants and $8 for adults. First 100 youth to reserve tickets will receive a free food voucher courtesy of ‘CPA Frank Marrocco’.”
The program includes raffles, a t-shirt giveaway and activities, including post game fireworks.
The Bees baseball game is at New Britain Stadium at 230 John Karbonic Way.
Tickets are available through the PAL website.
The New Britain Police Athletic League (PAL), a nonprofit organization run by the New Britain Police Department, says that its mission
is to enable young people to benefit from participation in team sports and activities in a safe and structured environment. Through this active participation, PAL programs teach fundamental values, skills and knowledge that young people will use throughout their lives. The New Britain Police Athletic League strives to inspire youth, regardless of race, creed or national origin, to practice the ideals of sportsmanship, scholarship and physical fitness.