New Britain’s 2019 “Great American Boom” festival and fireworks, celebrating Independence Day, will be held on July 4th in Stanley Quarter Park.

Fireworks are set to begin at around 9:15pm.
New Britain’s fireworks display is very popular. Tens of thousands of people, both New Britain residents and visitors, join in a festive community spirit in celebration of the Independence of the nation.
An estimated 40,000 people have gathered in New Britain on July 4th to view New Britain’s traditionally spectacular Independence Day fireworks display. While thousands gather at Stanley Quarter Park, where the fireworks are actually launched from, thousands more gather in numerous locations throughout a large swath of the city.
The New Britain Police Department recommends Stanley Quarter Park, A.W. Stanley Park, Walnut Hill Park, Washington Park, Batterson Park and the CCSU campus as viewing areas, but note that, “parking garage roof tops are prohibited.”
From 5:00pm to 9:00pm, there will be a festival in Stanley Quarter Park, with carnival games, face painters, interactive inflatables, giant trampolines, a caricature artist, micro derby car races, a photo booth and food vendors.
Access to the carnival attractions from 5:00pm to 8:30pm will require a $5 wrist band, also available in family packs of four for $15.
Food vendors are expected to be serving hot dogs and hamburgers, chicken, thai food, mozzarella sticks, french fries and chompers. There is also expected to be fried dough, funnel cakes, chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, frozen lemonade, Italian ice and slushies.
The festival will feature a concert by singer Latanya Farrell, whose performance will begin at 6:00pm. Farrell’s website says, “Former CT Star Search champion, Latanya Farrell is a gifted singer, songwriter, and performer who moves audiences with passion, energy, and a love for music and life!”
The Police say, “The following are strictly prohibited from the festival area: mopeds, bicycle riding, skate boarding, roller-skating, roller-blading, dogs and alcoholic beverages.”
The New Britain Police Department says that parking is available:
- At Central Connecticut State University, “parking lots and garages off of Ella Grasso Boulevard along with the Copernicus Garage on Paul J. Manafort Drive.”
- The Costco parking lot at 405 Hartford Road.
- At A.W. Stanley Park, though with only a limited number of available spaces.
- Persons with disabilities, “with proper identification will be allowed inside the Stanley Quarter Park parking lot located directly across the street from Saint Francis Church on Stanley Street north of Ella Grasso Boulevard. There will be volunteers on hand to direct attendees to the appropriate parking area.”
The Police also say that certain traffic and parking restrictions will be in effect, including:
- At 5:00 p.m., there will be no eastbound traffic on Blake Road at Kim Drive. Traffic eastbound on Blake Road will be directed onto Kim Drive and/or McClintock Street.
- At 5:00 p.m., Stanley Street, between Barbour Road and Paul Manafort Drive – Francis Street will be closed to all motor vehicle traffic. Traffic southbound on Stanley Street will be detoured eastbound onto Barbour Road. Traffic northbound on Stanley Street will be detoured onto Francis Street.
- At the conclusion of the fireworks display (approximately 9:50 p.m.) the following traffic patterns and routes will be in effect:
- Stanley Street between Blake Road and Francis Street will remained closed to vehicular traffic until the flow of pedestrians exiting Stanley Quarter Park has subsided.
- Hartford Road will remained closed to vehicular traffic until the flow of pedestrians exiting the Event has subsided
- There will be no eastbound traffic on Eddy Glover Boulevard between Commonwealth Avenue and Stanley Street. All vehicles in the Belvedere area neighborhoods will exit onto Eddy Glover Boulevard and be directed toward Farmington Avenue
- There will be no access to Stanley Street from on Highland Terrace or Commonwealth Avenue.
- All traffic leaving the Central Connecticut State University garages and parking lots on Ella Grasso Boulevard will be directed eastbound toward Route 9 North on ramp or Fenn Road in Newington
- All traffic leaving the Copernicus Garage will be able to access Route 9 South on East Street however there will be NO ACCESS to Cedar Street. Motorists may also continue south on East Street toward Smalley Street for access to Route 9 North, the Harry Truman Overpass for Route 9 South or East Main Street for Route 72 West – Interstate 84 East and West. East Street at Newington Avenue may be used to access points in Newington and Route 15 North and South on the Berlin Turnpike.
- All traffic leaving the Costco Parking Lot will be directed north toward Interstate 84 East and West or Routh 9 South or can they continue north toward the Westfarms Mall area
- All traffic leaving A.W. Stanley Park will be directed toward Alexander Road for access to Interstate 84 East and West in Farmington
The Police also say that, “Parking on Eddy Glover Boulevard will be allowed on both the extreme north and south sides of the boulevard. There will be no parking allowed on or between the grass medians on Eddy Glover Boulevard and in between the grass medians encompassing the festival site. There will be NO PARKING ALLOWED on Stanley Street at any time during the evening.” The Police warn that cars may be ticketed and towed for, “violation of the temporary “No Parking-Tow Zone” signs, obstructing driveways, fire hydrants, intersections, crosswalks, double parked or parked in a position deemed to be hazardous.”
The rain date for the 2019 fireworks in New Britain is July 5, 2019.
Editor’s Note: 7/3/2019: The article was updated with additional information from the New Britain Police.