There will be food, music and celebration at St. Mary’s Church as the Saint Joachim Catholic Parish holds its 2019 Annual Festival.

The Fiestas Patronales en Honor a la Virgen de la Asunción, the Annual Festival in Honor of Our Lady of the Assumption, will be held during three days, August 16th, 17th and 18th.
The Festival will begin on Friday, August 16th, starting at 5:00pm. The Friday portion of the Festival will include the ceremony crowning the Blessed Mother Mary, celebration of Holy Mass and a Multicultural Night with food and presentations.
On Saturday, August 17th, the large, outdoor part of the Festival is to take place. The festive day, typically attended by hundreds of people, will take place on the St. Mary Church Grounds from 12:00pm to 8:00pm. The Saturday event will feature music, Latin food, cotton candy, snow cones, hot dogs and hamburgers, entertainment for children, bouncy houses and a talent contest.

The Festival traditionally concludes on Sunday with the celebration of Mass.
Festival organizers are selling raffle tickets for gift card prizes. The first place prize will be for a $1,000 gift card, second prize will be a $700 gift card, third prize, a $500 gift card and fourth prize, a $250 gift card.
St. Mary Church is located at 544 Main Street.
New Britain’s Saint Joachim Parish is a combination of the churches of Saint Mary and Saint Ann, which is located at 47 Clark Street.