The North-Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) is set to hold elections for its officer and other leadership positions.

Marie Bachand, Vice President North Oak NRZ, announced that, “Elections to fill all the Board members positions will be taking place on Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 7:00pm at 180 North Street (Howey House).”
Bachand said, “At this time, we the Neighborhood Revitalization Zone of the North Oak area would like to thank Pablo Rodriguez for doing what’s best for the North Oak neighborhood and it’s residents.”
Rodriguez announced earlier this week that he would not be seeking another term as NRZ President.
The North-Oak NRZ is a community organization, formed under state law, designed to advance social and economic progress in the North-Oak neighborhood.
At regular meetings, the NRZ has allowed area residents and others involved in the neighborhood to discuss neighborhood concerns, like blighted buildings and crime, and to work together to advocate for activities and the well being of area children.
Positions elected to led the NRZ have included President, Vice President, Secretary, Housing Chair, Public Safety Chair, Human Resources Chair and Economic Development Chair.
Bachand added that, “In recognition of these Elections, we would like to officially invite the Mayor Erin Stewart, the NRZ Liason Margaret Malinowski, and their representatives such as The Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works, and the Common Council. We would also like to invite any other person willing to help improve the neighborhood.”