The North-Oak Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ) has elected new leadership, headed by Pastor Dana Smith as President.

The stakeholders in the NRZ packed into a meeting room at the Howey House on North Street on February 27, 2020 to elect the leaders for the organization for the next year.
Community activist, Elena Trueworthy, moderated the meeting, in an election held in a friendly atmosphere.
Smith was elected as President of the NRZ in an uncontested vote. He was nominated by multiple people present and was the only candidate nominated.
Smith has been a resident in the community since 2002. He is married to Pastor Evelyn Smith, and the Smith family lives in the heart of the North-Oak neighborhood.
Active in the organization, Friends of Willow Street Park, Smith has been involved in organizing neighborhood community clean ups, community day events and mentoring.
Smith, Senior Pastor at New Life II Ministries, works for Advocacy Unlimited as a bridger coordinator.
In the election for Vice President Manny Sandoval, Sanford Lebby and Joe Girgenti were nominated. Lebby withdrew and supported Sandoval, who was elected in the only counted vote of the meeting.
For Secretary, Yvette Ghannam was elected as the only nominee.
Tammy Roman was, likewise, elected as Housing Chair, uncontested.
Jeffrey Gumbs and Lou Arroyo were nominated for Public Safety Chair, but Arroyo withdrew and supported Gumbs, who was then elected, uncontested.
Vicki Ramos was elected Human Services Chair unanimously.
For Economic Development Chair, Tarus Kenney was also elected, uncontested.
After the voting, departing NRZ President Pablo Rodriguez thanked the members of the NRZ for the opportunity to serve and work on issues affecting the neighborhood.
Smith, as incoming President, thanked Rodriguez for his work, and for the things done during his term, saying that he wants to pick up where he left off.
Smith said that he wants to work with the city to improve the neighborhood. He also called on residents of the neighborhood to work to improve the community.
“This is our neighborhood,” Smith said. “No one is going to take care of it like we will.”
Sandoval spoke about having welcoming meetings to get people involved.
The North-Oak NRZ is a community organization, formed under state law, designed to advance social and economic progress in the North-Oak neighborhood.
At regular meetings, the NRZ has allowed area residents and others involved in the neighborhood to discuss neighborhood concerns, like blighted buildings and crime, and to work together to advocate for activities and the well being of area children.