Democratic Party members who live in Voting District 11 will vote Tuesday to elect three fellow Democrats to represent them on the Democratic Town Committee.
In the election, to be held on March 3, 2020, registered Democrats who live in New Britain’s 11th Voting District will choose between Bobby Berriault, Larry Hermanowski, Dr. John Day Tully and Dr. Lisa Wisniewski.
The 11th Voting District is the district that votes at the Holmes School.
Tully, who is running on a slate with Hermanowski and Wisniewski, says that, “it is only through committed and dedicated leadership, determined to preserve voting rights and the principles of democratic ideals, that we will make progress.”
“Government can be a place where everyone can get together,” says Berriault, “where every voice is heard, and where everyone is loved and cared for equally regardless of their differences.”
The Hermanowski-Tully-Wisniewski slate website says that Hermanowski,
is a veteran of the New Britain Democratic Party. He is the past president of the Pulaski Democratic Club and PNA Lodge 2093. He also served as Alderman for 14 years and as Mayor Pro-tem. Larry is currently the Deputy Democratic Registrar of Voters and works as an Engineering Manager on a variety of international projects.
The site says that Tully,
has been a resident of the district for the past 16 years and has been active in Democratic politics for decades. He has volunteered countless hours at both Holy Cross Church and with the parish’s school. He earned his MA at Central Connecticut State University and is now a Professor of History there.
Wisniewski, the site says,
has been a resident of the district for the past 4 years. She has been actively involved in the Polish community for the past decade through community events. She is a researcher studying the Polish community in New England and is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Goodwin University.
“I can make a difference and I can make things better for others and I can make our city a better place for us all,” says Berriault, adding,
All I want in life is to make a positive difference and to make my community a better place for us all. I hope that I am able to help inspire others to do the same.
The Democratic Town Committee’s main responsibility is voting to endorse candidates for Democratic Party nominations and to select delegates to conventions to make endorsements for statewide or multi-town offices. Endorsed candidates become the party’s nominated candidates if unchallenged in a primary. When first elected, the Town Committee also chooses the local party Chair and officers, who govern the local Democratic Party organization for a two year term.
The New Britain Democratic Town Committee is chosen in a direct primary system. While some local parties endorse their town committees in a caucus meeting, in which only party members who attend vote, New Britain Democrats require that candidates for its Town Committee, in order to qualify, collect nomination signatures from at least five percent of Democratic Party registered voters in the voting district they seek to represent.
If more candidates for Democratic Town Committee receive enough signatures to qualify than there are seats to fill, then there is a primary election in which voters who are registered Democrats decide who will represent them. That is what is happening in the 11th Voting District this year.
The New Britain Democratic Town Committee is elected by voting district, and Democrats in the 11th Voting District can choose up to three Town Committee members to represent them. The three of the four candidates with the most votes will be elected.
Only registered Democrats can vote in the election. The Secretary of the State’s office has a website, where people can check is they are registered to vote and if they are registered as Democrats in the 11th Voting District.
Voting is from 6:00am to 8:00pm at the Holmes School.