As part of its efforts to keep the school community engaged while school is out, the New Britain school district is holding a ‘virtual spirit week.’

“Join us in our first-ever virtual spirit week!” the school district says.
The Consolidated School District of New Britain says that, until March 27, 2020, “we will create a Facebook post daily asking members of our community to comment pictures of themselves participating. We will shout out our favorites!”
Yesterday’s theme way, “Pajama Day.”
The theme today, March 24th, is “Crazy Hair Day.” The district says, “Show us that bed head or get creative.”
Calling March 25th’s theme, “Workout Wednesday,” the school system says, “Show how you are staying active at home.”
On Thursday, the district asks, “What are you reading?” Kids are asked to, “Show us what you’re reading or dress up like your favorite character.”
Finally, on Friday, March 27th, the school district asks kids to, “Show us your New Britain or school spirit gear or make a sign showing your school pride,” on “CSDNB Day.”
The school district says that it will start a thread on its facebook page each day this week at 9:00am, “for you to share your photos in the comments.”