The New Britain City Council will hold a hearing on Republican Mayor Erin Stewart’s proposed budget this month.

The hearing is planned for Tuesday, April 28, 2020, at 7:00pm.
The hearing location has been announced as in the Council Chamber, on the second floor of City Hall at 27 West Main Street.
While the hearing announcement does not say that the hearing will be by teleconference, the Council has been holding teleconference meetings and hearings because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Information about accessing the meetings and hearings by teleconference have been posted on the Council’s meetings web page.
The city budget process includes consideration of budget proposals from city departments by the city Board of Finance and Taxation, appointed by Stewart, and then proposal of a budget by the mayor.
The Council then holds a public hearing on the budget and can approve a budget different from Stewart’s proposal, if Stewart approves.