The New Britain City Council will hold a conference call hearing on Republican Mayor Erin Stewart’s proposed budget this Tuesday.

The Council has announced that the hearing is planned for Tuesday, April 28, 2020, at 7:00pm, “by way of conference call.”
“During the public hearing,” the announcement says, “residents are encouraged to voice their concerns regarding funding priorities for the upcoming fiscal year, which begins July 1, 2020.”
The phone number to participate in the hearing is 1-855-369-0463, and the pin to join is 11 303 366#. The Council announcement says that at, “6:45 pm call in queue begins.”
The Council also announced a streaming website link for the hearing.
The city budget process includes consideration of budget proposals from city departments by the city Board of Finance and Taxation, appointed by Stewart, and then proposal of a budget by the mayor.
The Council then holds a public hearing on the budget and can approve a budget different from Stewart’s proposal, if Stewart approves.
Stewart has introduced a budget that, among other things, freezes city funding for the operating costs of city schools.