More than 400 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in New Britain and deaths in the city from the deadly pandemic nearly doubled in the past week.

Data from the Connecticut Department of Public Health available on April 27, 2020 shows that both confirmed COVID-19 cases in New Britain and deaths from the disease in the city continued to spike upward.
“We’re not over this yet,” said City Ald. Chris Anderson (D-AL) online, showing a graphic of growing case numbers. “COVID-19 cases in New Britain continue to rise. Stay home, stay safe, and let’s do everything we can to protect each other—essential works, City staff, the unemployed, the elderly; everyone!”
The number of confirmed cases in New Britain rose 142% in the past two weeks before yesterday, and 42% in the past week, according to the data.
By yesterday, April 27th, the number of confirmed cases in New Britain reported in the data had risen to 402.

Deaths in New Britain from the pandemic rose from 4 two weeks ago to 29 yesterday, according to the data, nearly doubling the 16 reported only a week before yesterday.
“This is serious business,” a city resident commented online. “Work from home.”
“Stay homeeeee!!!” said City Ald. Iris Sanchez (D-3).
New Britain’s rate of increase, according to the data in both confirmed cases and deaths, was higher than the state as a whole.
The number of cases in state as a whole rose by 94.2% in the two weeks before yesterday, and by 31.2% in the past week, according to the data, while the number of deaths increased by 234.2% in the past two weeks and 51.2% in the past week.

Of the daily state and city data, the state says that, “Hospitalization data were collected by the Connecticut Hospital Association. Deaths reported to the either the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) or Department of Public Health (DPH) are included in the daily COVID-19 update.”

The state cautions that, “All data in this report are preliminary; data for previous dates will be updated as new reports are received and data errors are corrected.”