Dr. Yvette Ghannam, well known in New Britain for her community activism and neighborhood leadership, has announced a new tutoring and investigative services business.

M.F. & E. Investigative Services, LLC says that it, “provides tutoring services, investigative services and bilingual translations while keeping your identity and learning needs confidential.”
“We routinely train with law enforcement professionals to provide you with the most current theories and best practices,” the business says. “We want to help you in the development of knowledge and skills inside of you (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation).”
Dr. Ghannam adds that the, “first class is free if contacting me directly at [email protected].”
“I am also willing to work with everyone’s budget,” Dr. Ghannam says. “My goal is to give a good service tutoring and that money should not be a limitation for those locally in Connecticut that need assistance with our services.”
M.F. & E. says that its positive learning has three pillars:
- To understand the ideas of others and to express one’s own effectively.
- To acquire the knowledge (and attitudes) basic to a satisfying family life.
- To acquire and use the skills and habits involved in critical and constructive thinking.
“Our services are tailored to help professionals in public safety and public health to advance their careers and to safeguard the people in our society,” the business says, adding,
We understand that microbial forensic, forensic epidemiology, microbiology, molecular biology and epidemiology can be challenging to tackle alone without any support during one’s busy life and work schedule.
M.F. & E. says that the benefits of its services include,
- One to one Tutoring
- Flexible scheduling
- Friendly affordable service
- We will work with your budget
- Your identity will be sealed

M.F. & E.’s website, at www.mfandeinvestigative.com, has testimonials, including from Lieutenant Colonel Carlos A. Dukes, U.S. Army, Retired, who is quoted saying,
I pursued a Masters of Science in Forensic specializing in DNA and Serology. It was in this program that I first met Dr. Ghannam, I was struggling, having been out of academia for almost twenty years. Dr. Ghannam took me under her wing and assisted me throughout the program. Her dedication to ensuring that I maintained a positive attitude while learning the material was unsurpassed.
Another testimonial quoted on the website says that Dr. Ghannam’s, “style of tutoring is fantastic – she knows the material inside and out but is able to break it down to make it easy to understand and absorb. She is truly interested and dedicated to helping her students succeed and is supportive of each of them as individuals.”
Dr. Ghannam offered her sincere thanks to, “the many people that in the last 12 years had been mentoring me,” most of whom, she says, are in local, state and federal law enforcement. “I cannot say all the names since there are many, but thanks to them from the bottom of my heart!”
The business describes its services, in Spanish, saying,
M.F. & E. Investigative Services, LLC ofrece servicios de tutorÃa, servicios de investigación y traducciones bilingües, manteniendo su identidad y necesidades de aprendizaje confidenciales. Entrenamos rutinariamente con profesionales de la aplicación de la ley para proporcionarle las teorÃas y mejores prácticas más actuales. Queremos ayudarle en el desarrollo de conocimientos y habilidades dentro de usted (conocimiento, comprensión, aplicación, análisis, sÃntesis y evaluación).
El aprendizaje positivo comprenderá estos tres pilares :
A. Comprender las ideas de los demás y expresarlas eficazmente. B. Adquirir los conocimientos (y actitudes) básicos para una vida familiar satisfactoria. C. Adquirir y usar las habilidades y hábitos involucrados en el pensamiento crÃtico y constructivo (Bloom et al. 1956)
Entendemos que la medicina forense microbiana, la epidemiologÃa forense, la microbiologÃa, la biologÃa molecular y la epidemiologÃa pueden ser difÃciles de aprender solos sin ningún apoyo durante la vida ocupada y el horario de trabajo. Nuestros servicios están diseñados para ayudar a los profesionales de la seguridad pública y la salud pública a avanzar en sus carreras y para proteger a las personas en nuestra sociedad. Por qué deberÃas elegirnosTutorÃa de uno a uno
• Programación flexibleServicio amigable y asequible Trabajaremos con su presupuesto Su identidad será sellada
URL: http://www.mfandeinvestigative.com/
La primera tutorÃa es gratuita si usted envÃa un correo electrónico directamente a [email protected]