New Britain schools are set to receive $5,165,707 in federal CARES Act funding to help with the educational challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Miguel Cardona, the state Commissioner of Education, told school districts today, May 13, 2020 that, “I am happy to announce that the United States Department of Education has approved the Department’s application for funding under the federal CARES Act, Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief (ESSER).”
“These funds,” the Commissioner said, “will be an important support for districts as you consider next steps in continuing to provide education in a way that is accessible, equitable and meaningful for the children you serve.”
State Representative Bobby Sanchez (D-25), said that the funds, “can be used for internet connectivity, technology and more.”
New Britain Board of Education member, Dr. Violet Jiménez Sims (D), pointed out that the CARES Act funding is, “specifically for the challenges presented by COVID.”
“This doesn’t cover our budget shortfall of $40.6M compared to the state average,” Jiménez Sims said, “but any amount helps our immediate needs,” adding,
These are expenditures IN ADDITION to our normal operating budget, municipal funds, and state funds. Meaning, this money does not take care of our responsibilities, contractual increases, etc. It is a grant to address the ADDITIONAL expenses of providing families devices, access, services, etc. related to the pandemic. In order to receive the money, the district has to apply and present a plan to the state that outlines the expenditures, which must be aligned to the priorities. We will still be 168/169 in the state in funding, which is not good, but this helps us better address some of the many needs posed by COVID.
The New Britain Progressive reported in 2019 on the city of New Britain’s low contribution to the schools, even when taking ability to pay into consideration, and an apparent,
general correlation between how much a city or town provides in local funding for their schools and the test scores of the students in their schools. The comparison appears to show New Britain’s place near the bottom of both local education funding and test scores as part of a larger pattern, with New Britain near the low end of the scale.
The $5,165,707 allocated for New Britain schools is the fifth highest of the 192 school districts to receive the funding.
Commissioner Cardona said that the funds may be used for
- Ensuring that all students have access to appropriate technology and connectivity;
- Accessibility to high-quality curriculum that addresses the needs of all learners including students with disabilities;
- Addressing student learning gaps and safely reopening schools; and
- Providing social and emotional supports for educators and students as they transition back to school.
The Consolidated School District of New Britain recently announced the formation of a community task force to work on how, “to bring Wi-Fi access to all New Britain students who currently cannot connect to the internet,” and expand access to educational technology to all of New Britain’s students.
“The road to recovery for school districts will, in many ways,” the Commissioner said, “be unique to the district and most likely include delivering education with a mix of traditional classroom settings along with continuing online, distance learning.”