Monuments for those who fought for our country and made the ultimate sacrifice in numerous conflicts are all around New Britain.

Memorial Day weekend is traditionally held as the beginning of summer. In 2020, it seems to the very moment when summer weather has actually emerged. The aroma of cookouts adds to the warmth in the air as signs of summer.

But Memorial Day was created as a time to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the wars that our country has fought, and to thank all veterans who served our country.

Remembrance and honor for those who served is around the city all of the time.

War memorials are placed throughout New Britain, remembering those who served, and especially those who gave their lives, in different wars.

Special places of honor in the city are reserved for these memorials.

The monuments are in major city parks and public squares throughout the New Britain.

The city has long held to the tradition of holding separate memorial ceremonies at each of the monuments, reading the names of those who made the ultimate sacrifice and remembering where they fought and what they did.

New Britain is also long resisted the move of Memorial Day to the Monday of a three day weekend, maintaining honors for the traditional May 30th.

In a city, so many of whose people made the ultimate sacrifice for the country, keeping the memory of those who served and gave their lives has long been held as important.