The New Britain Police announced last week, “that this year’s Rabies Clinic has been cancelled due to the ongoing public health concerns caused by the Covid virus.”

The New Britain Police Department Animal Control Division, on May 19, 2020, said that,
This decision, by the Connecticut Veterinarian Medical Association, was not taken lightly but we understand their position and fully support it as the safety and health of their staff, our staff, and all members of the public who utilize this service is of utmost importance.
Saying that, “It is critically important that your pets be properly vaccinated,” the New Britain Police Department advises that, “please make an appointment with an area veterinarian for your animals vaccination needs.”
The New Britain Police point out that, “your dogs need to be licensed with the Town Clerks office by the end of June and in order to do so a valid rabies certificate needs to be presented.”
While saying that there is, “no expectation that the event is going to be rescheduled to a date later in the year,” city Police expect that the clinic will be available again in June of 2021.