A proposal to borrow $25,800,000 for water system projects is to be considered at the meeting of the City Council’s Bonding Subcommittee.

The meeting, to be held tonight, May 28, 2020, was called by Ald. Robert Smedley (R-4), the Chair of the Bonding Subcommittee of the Council’s Committee on Administration, Finance and Law Committee
The proposal asks the members of the Council, which Republicans control, with an 8 to 7 majority, to consider borrowing to finance, “planning, design, architectural and engineering services, construction, reconstruction, site work, materials, equipment and fixtures, temporary and permanent financing costs and other costs related to,” a series of water system projects.
The proposal calls for water system expenditures, including,
- “SCADA Improvements” of $2,000,000
- “White Bridge Pump Station and Well Field Improvements” of $20,000,000.
- “Batterson Park Road Water Main Extension” of $2,000,000.
- Financing Costs of $1,800,000
The meeting is to be held by teleconference at 7:00pm on May 28th.
The notice of the meeting says that the dial-in-number to access the meeting is 1-855-369-0463, with access code 11303366#, and that, “
Streaming of Meeting: