Sen. Lopes Leads Senate Approval of Energy Efficiency Grant Program
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Sen. Lopes Leads Senate Approval of Energy Efficiency Grant Program

Sen. Rick Lopes (D-6) announced winning approval today in the State Senate of legislation to provide grants to assist with energy efficiency retrofits for affordable housing.

“This common-sense bill advances our state’s efforts to decrease people’s utility costs while advancing solar generation and energy efficiency,” said Sen. Lopes.

State Sen. Rick Lopes (D-6). Frank Gerratana photo.

“This bill will save tenants money, save landlords money and be better for the environment,” the New Britain Democratic Senator added.

The legislation was introduced by Sen. Lopes and was approved by the legislature’s Housing Committee. Sen. Lopes os the chair of the Housing Committee.

Lopes’ office says that Senate Bill 356 would,

award funds for energy efficiency and weatherization upgrades to affordable housing, including housing authority property, or dwelling units owned by a landlord based on the determination of the commissioner of DEEP. These upgrades can include but are not limited to: installation of rooftop solar photovoltaic panels, heat pumps, balanced ventilation, and other devices to reduce negative health effects of mold, gas leaks, asbestos, radon, and lead.

The legislation prioritizes the grants for projects that,

(A) use the services of local contractors who pay the prevailing wage and who make good faith efforts to hire, or cause to be hired, available and qualified minority business enterprises, as defined in section 4a-60g of the general statutes, and (B) upgrade affordable housing or dwelling units for households that include an individual who qualifies for utility financial hardship programs or who receives means-tested assistance administered by the state or federal government.

Senate bill 356 was approved by the State Senate by a vote of 34 to 1. It now goes to the House of Representatives. If approved by the House, it would go to the desk of Gov. Ned Lamont (D) for his possible approval.