The New Britain Area Interfaith Conference (NEWBAIC) is sponsoring an Interfaith Thanksgiving event, hosted by Spottswood AME Zion Church.

The theme of the event, to be held on November 14, 2021 at 4:00pm, is, “Welcoming and Respecting the Stranger.”
Organizers say that, “The value of hospitality is central to Christians, Jews and Muslims, and other faiths as well.”
“We will learn about welcoming refugees into our communities,” organizers say, “including plans to resettle a refugee family soon in New Britain.”
“Please join us either in person or virtually for this enlightening conversation,” organizers say.
The event is to be held in person at Spottswood AME Zion Church, located 25 Crestwood Lane. Event organizers say that, “Maximum capacity 75 people in person. Social distancing will be observed and mask required.”
The meeting will also be online. It is to be held on Zoom, meeting ID 872 1724 6297, passcode 276216, with a dial-in number of 929-436-2866. It is also to be on the Spottswood AME Zion Church website, at, and on its Facebook page.