Staff Reports, Photography by Frank Gerratana
Central Park Ceremonies Recognize City Vets Of Past Wars With Marine Corps League’s Hardware City Detachment

NEW BRITAIN – The city Veterans Commission led Veterans Day services at Central Park Friday (November 11) with wreath layings, presentations of colors and remarks from Mayor Erin Stewart and Terry Crescimauno, a member of the Veterans Commission.
Veterans Commission Chair John Buckley welcomed local officials, representatives of the city’s veterans’ organizations and commissioners to observances remembering those who served at the memorials dedicated to those who served in the Civil War, World War II, the Korean, Vietnam and Global War on Terror.
Pastor Thomas Mills of Grace Christian Methodist Episcopal Church gave the invocation and benediction. The Marine Corps League, Hardware City Detachment, led by Commandant Jim Soder and State Commander John Reek presented and retired the colors. The Hardware City Detachment fired the ceremonial volley.
The New Britain High School (NBHS) Madrigal Singers sang the National Anthem and members of the NBHS Band played taps.

Music, Moment of Silence Honor Residents Who Served in Military

FARMINGTON – Town and state officials honoredresidents with military service at Veterans Day ceremonies held at the Town Hall Memorial on November 11.
Host Leslie Imse, teacher and Music Department Chair of the Farmington Public Schools, introduced officials “who believe in connecting the community with our schools” and Deputy Fire Chief Paul Krause of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) spoke at the ceremonies.
Participants included State Senator Derek Slap (D-5), State Rep. Mike Demicco (D-21), Town Council Chair CJ Thomas and Nadine Canto of the Board of Education. The Farmington High School Chamber Singers performed the National Anthem, “Peace Like A River” and “Freedom Song” at the program concluded with a moment of silence and the playing of Taps.